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Valencian translation

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The user could not be created.
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It has been disabled by your provider.
<b>Note:</b> The PHP mail function is not available. %s If it remains unavailable, you may install the <a href="">smtp plugin</a>.
mbstring.func_overload must be disabled in php.ini to run DokuWiki.
DokuWiki cannot create cryptographically secure numbers for cookies. You may want to check your open_basedir settings in php.ini for proper <code>/dev/urandom</code> access.
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PHP mail() missing or disabled. The following email was not sent:
Current namespace
Search Result
Plain HTML
Wiki Markup
Page did not exist at %s. It was subsequently created at <a href="%s">%s</a>.
Unable to parse at parameter "%s".
Log file too large. Previous lines skipped!
Failed to open log file.
An error occurred while reading the log.
======= This page does not exist anymore ====== You've followed a link to a page that no longer exists. You can check the list of **Old revisions** to see when and why it was deleted, access old revisions or restore it. DokuWiki markup allowed
====== Set new password ====== Please enter a new password for your account in this wiki. DokuWiki markup allowed
Hello! The page @PAGE@ in the @TITLE@ wiki changed. Here are the changes: -------------------------------------------------------- @DIFF@ -------------------------------------------------------- Old Revision: @OLDPAGE@ New Revision: @NEWPAGE@ To cancel the page notifications, log into the wiki at @DOKUWIKIURL@ then visit @SUBSCRIBE@ and unsubscribe page and/or namespace changes. DokuWiki markup allowed
====== Subscription Management ====== This page allows you to manage your subscriptions for the current page and namespace. DokuWiki markup allowed
Hello! Pages in the namespace @PAGE@ of the @TITLE@ wiki changed. Here are the changed pages: -------------------------------------------------------- @DIFF@ -------------------------------------------------------- To cancel the page notifications, log into the wiki at @DOKUWIKIURL@ then visit @SUBSCRIBE@ and unsubscribe page and/or namespace changes. DokuWiki markup allowed
Hello! The page @PAGE@ in the @TITLE@ wiki changed. Here are the changes: -------------------------------------------------------- @DIFF@ -------------------------------------------------------- User : @USER@ Edit Summary : @SUMMARY@ Old Revision : @OLDPAGE@ New Revision : @NEWPAGE@ Date of New Revision: @DATE@ To cancel the page notifications, log into the wiki at @DOKUWIKIURL@ then visit @SUBSCRIBE@ and unsubscribe page and/or namespace changes. DokuWiki markup allowed
Logon Domain
Your password will expire in %d days, you should change it soon.
Failed to change the password. Maybe the password policy was not met?
Failed to change user attributes. Maybe your account does not have permissions to make changes?
Failed to connect to Active Directory server.
Your account suffix. Eg. <code></code>
Your base DN. Eg. <code>DC=my,DC=domain,DC=org</code>
A comma separated list of Domain controllers. Eg. <code>,</code>
A privileged Active Directory user with access to all other user's data. Optional, but needed for certain actions like sending subscription mails.
The password of the above user.
Should Single-Sign-On via Kerberos or NTLM be used?
The charset your webserver will pass the Kerberos or NTLM username in. Empty for UTF-8 or latin-1. Requires the iconv extension.
Should the real primary group be resolved instead of assuming "Domain Users" (slower).
Use SSL connection? If used, do not enable TLS below.
Use TLS connection? If used, do not enable SSL above.
Display additional debugging output on errors?
Days in advance to warn user about expiring password. 0 to disable.
A comma separated list of additional AD attributes to fetch from user data. Used by some plugins.
Allow users to update their AD display name?
Allow users to update their email address?
Allow users to update their password? Requires SSL or TLS above.
Resolve nested groups to their respective members (slower).
LDAP cannot connect: %s
LDAP cannot find your user dn
Your LDAP server. Either hostname (<code>localhost</code>) or full qualified URL (<code>ldap://server.tld:389</code>)
LDAP server port if no full URL was given above
Where to find the user accounts. Eg. <code>ou=People, dc=server, dc=tld</code>
Where to find the user groups. Eg. <code>ou=Group, dc=server, dc=tld</code>
LDAP filter to search for user accounts. Eg. <code>(&amp;(uid=%{user})(objectClass=posixAccount))</code>
LDAP filter to search for groups. Eg. <code>(&amp;(objectClass=posixGroup)(|(gidNumber=%{gid})(memberUID=%{user})))</code>
The protocol version to use. You may need to set this to <code>3</code>
Use TLS connections?
Shall referrals be followed?
How to dereference aliases?
DN of an optional bind user if anonymous bind is not sufficient. Eg. <code>cn=admin, dc=my, dc=home</code>
Password of above user
Attributes to retrieve with the LDAP search.
Limit search scope for user search
Limit search scope for group search
Attribute denoting the username; must be consistent to userfilter.
Group membership from any user attribute (instead of standard AD groups) e.g. group from department or telephone number
Can the LDAP password be changed via dokuwiki?
Display additional debug information on errors
use default
don't follow referrals
follow referrals
Failed to connect to database.
Sorry, a user with this login already exists.
Unable to modify user data. Please inform the Wiki-Admin
Print out detailed error messages. Should be disabled after setup.
The DSN to connect to the database.
The user for the above database connection (empty for sqlite)
The password for the above database connection (empty for sqlite)
SQL Statement to select the data of a single user
SQL Statement to select all groups of a single user
SQL Statement to select all available groups
SQL Statement to insert a new user into the database
SQL Statement to remove a single user from the database
SQL Statement to list users matching a filter
SQL Statement to count users matching a filter
SQL Statement to update the full name and email address of a single user
SQL Statement to update the login name of a single user
SQL Statement to update the password of a single user
SQL Statement to insert a new group into the database
SQL Statement to add a user to an existing group
SQL Statement to remove a user from a group
SQL Statement to check the password for a user. Can be left empty if password info is fetched in select-user.
Sorry, that user doesn't exist.
Unable to modify user data. Please inform the Wiki-Admin
Data for user %s is protected and can not be modified or deleted.
Syndication (RSS)
Setting class not available.
Tagline (if template supports it)
Sidebar page name (if template supports it), empty field disables the sidebar
Cookie path. Leave blank for using baseurl.
Delete Own Account
XML Syndication (RSS)
The samesite cookie attribute to use. Leaving it empty will let the browser decide on the samesite policy.
Enable the remote API system. This allows other applications to access the wiki via XML-RPC or other mechanisms.
Restrict remote API access to the comma separated groups or users given here. Leave empty to give access to everyone.
Enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for the remote interfaces. Asterisk (*) to allow all origins. Leave empty to deny CORS.
Enable Mediarevisions?
Time after which subscription lists and digests are sent (sec); This should be smaller than the time specified in recent_days.
Recipient email address for non delivery notifications
Email subject prefix to use for automatic mails. Leave blank to use the wiki title
Send better looking, but larger in size HTML multipart emails. Disable for plain text only mails.
Disable logging for these types of logs.
How many days of logs to keep.
XML feed Show deleted feeds
What kind of changes should be listed in the XML feed?
Method for encoding non-ASCII filenames.
Size in bytes up to which images referenced in CSS files should be embedded right into the stylesheet to reduce HTTP request header overhead. <code>400</code> to <code>600</code> bytes is a good value. Set <code>0</code> to disable.
Limit the search to the current X namespaces. When a search is executed from a page within a deeper namespace, the first X namespaces will be added as filter
Specify the default fragment search behavior
starts with
ends with
Trust forwarding proxies matching this regular expression about the true client IP they report. The default matches local networks. Leave empty to trust no proxy.
Feature Flags
Defer javascript to be execute after the page's HTML has been parsed. Improves perceived page speed but could break a small number of plugins.
Do not display any warnings issued by PHP. This may ease the transisition to PHP8+. Warnings will still be logged in the error log and should be reported.
DokuWiki will lookup hostnames for remote IP addresses of users editing pages. If you have a slow or non working DNS server or don't want this feature, disable this option
Should the jQuery and jQuery UI script files be loaded from a CDN? This adds additional HTTP requests, but files may load faster and users may have them cached already.
No CDN, local delivery only
CDN at
CDN at
Regular expression to match URLs for which the proxy should be skipped.
User's full name as interwiki user link
Maximum age for readdir cache (sec)
Here you can manually install plugins and templates by either uploading them or providing a direct download URL. DokuWiki markup allowed
These are the plugins currently installed in your DokuWiki. You can enable or disable or even completely uninstall them here. Plugin updates are shown here as well, be sure to read the plugin's documentation before updating. DokuWiki markup allowed
This tab gives you access to all available 3rd party [[doku>plugins|plugins]] and [[doku>template|templates]] for DokuWiki. Please be aware that installing 3rd party code may pose a **security risk**, you may want to read about [[doku>security#plugin_security|plugin security]] first. DokuWiki markup allowed
These are the templates currently installed in your DokuWiki. You can select the template to be used in the [[?do=admin&page=config|Configuration Manager]]. DokuWiki markup allowed
Extension Manager
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Unknown author
Unknown version
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<strong>%s</strong> by %s
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not installed
Plugin %s enabled
Plugin %s disabled
Extension %s uninstalled
Uninstalling Extension %s failed
Template %s installed successfully
Template %s updated successfully
Plugin %s installed successfully
Plugin %s updated successfully
Uploading the file failed
Extension %s already exists so it is not being overwritten; to overwrite, tick the overwrite option
<strong>Missing or disabled dependency:</strong> %s
<strong>Security Issue:</strong> %s
<strong>Security Warning:</strong> %s
<strong>Update Message:</strong> %s
<strong>Update:</strong> New version %s is available.
<strong>Plugin installed incorrectly:</strong> Rename plugin directory "%s" to "%s".
<strong>URL changed:</strong> Download URL has changed since last download. Check if the new URL is valid before updating the extension.<br />New: %s<br />Old: %s
URLs should start with http or https
Unable to create temporary folder to receive download
Unable to download the file: %s
Unable to decompress the downloaded file. This maybe as a result of a bad download, in which case you should try again; or the compression format may be unknown, in which case you will need to download and install manually.
Unable to identify extension directory, you need to download and install manually
There was a file copy error while attempting to install files for directory <em>%s</em>: the disk could be full or file access permissions may be incorrect. This may have resulted in a partially installed plugin and leave your wiki installation unstable
Extension directory is not writable
Template directory is not writable
Plugin directory is not writable
This extension was installed via git, you may not want to update it here.
This auth plugin is not enabled in configuration, consider disabling it.
Install from URL:
Upload Extension:
The plugin repository returned an invalid response.
The plugin repository could not be contacted. Make sure your server is allowed to contact and check your proxy settings.
Your PHP seems to miss SSL support. Downloading will not work for many DokuWiki extensions.
====== View Logs ====== This interface allows you to view the various logs that are written by DokuWiki. By default, there shouldn't be much here (it depends on your [[doku>config:dontlog|log settings]]). However if something goes wrong, chances are high you'll find useful information about the problem. Please be aware that **log files can contain sensitive information** like passwords, paths or other secrets. Be sure to redact the logs appropriately when posting them on the forum or in bug reports! DokuWiki markup allowed
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Filter Loglines:
There are no log entries for the selected day and log facility. DokuWiki markup allowed
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The data couldn't be sent due to the following error:
You can send the data manually by submitting the following form.
The last autosubmit failed, because of the following error:
The data has been sent
====== Popularity Feedback ====== The data has been sent succesfully. DokuWiki markup allowed
This tool allows you to change certain style settings of your currently selected template. All changes are stored in a local configuration file and are upgrade safe. DokuWiki markup allowed
Template Style Settings
Preview is loading...<br />if this does not goes away, your values may be faulty
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Sorry, this template does not support this functionality.
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===== Bulk User Import ===== Requires a CSV file of users with at least four columns. The columns must contain, in order: user-id, full name, email address and groups. The CSV fields should be separated by commas (,) and strings delimited by quotation marks (%%""%%). Backslash (\) can be used for escaping. For an example of a suitable file, try the "Export Users" function above. Duplicate user-ids will be ignored. A password will be generated and emailed to each successfully imported user. DokuWiki markup allowed
Export All Users (CSV)
Export Filtered User list (CSV)
Import New Users
Line no.
Error message
User list file (CSV):
Most Recent Import - Failures
User Import: %d users found, %d imported successfully.
User Import: %d failed. Failures are listed below.
Insufficient fields, found %d, require 4.
User-id missing
Bad name
Bad email address
Import Failed. The csv file could not be uploaded or is empty.
Import Failed. Unable to read uploaded file.
Unable to create the user
Notification message could not be sent for imported user, %s with email %s.
Download Failures as CSV for correction
Please either set a password or activate user notification to enable password generation.
The entered passwords were not identical.
Modifing passwords is currently disabled
Please enter a name for the new user.
Modifing names is currently disabled.
Please enter an Email-Adress for the new user.
Modifing Email-Adresses is currently disabled.
A plugin prevented the new user being added. Review possible other messages for more information.
Color for the very background (behind the content box)
The general link color
The color for links to existing pages
The color for links to non-existing pages
The width of the full site (can be any length unit: %, px, em, ...)
The width of the sidebar, if any (can be any length unit: %, px, em, ...)
Below screensizes of this width, the site switches to tablet mode
Below screensizes of this width, the site switches to phone mode
Theme color of the web app
If you want to adjust the logo, simply use the Media Manager to upload a ''logo.png'' into the ''wiki'' or the root namespace and it will be automatically used. You can also upload a ''favicon.ico'' there. If you use a closed wiki it is recommended to make the ''wiki'' (or root) namespace world readable in the ACL settings or your logo is not shown to not logged in users. DokuWiki markup allowed
====== Administration ====== Below you can find a list of administrative tasks available in DokuWiki. DokuWiki markup allowed
===== Additional Plugins ===== DokuWiki markup allowed
====== Backlinks ====== This is a list of pages that seem to link back to the current page. DokuWiki markup allowed
====== A newer version exists ====== A newer version of the document you edited exists. This happens when another user changed the document while you were editing it. Examine the differences shown below thoroughly, then decide which version to keep. If you choose ''save'', your version will be saved. Hit ''cancel'' to keep the current version. DokuWiki markup allowed
====== Permission Denied ====== Sorry, you don't have enough rights to continue. DokuWiki markup allowed
====== Differences ====== This shows you the differences between two versions of the page. DokuWiki markup allowed
====== Draft file found ====== Your last edit session on this page was not completed correctly. DokuWiki automatically saved a draft during your work which you may now use to continue your editing. Below you can see the data that was saved from your last session. Please decide if you want to //recover// your lost edit session, //delete// the autosaved draft or //cancel// the editing process. DokuWiki markup allowed
Edit the page and hit ''Save''. See [[wiki:syntax]] for Wiki syntax. Please edit the page only if you can **improve** it. If you want to test some things, learn to make your first steps on the [[playground:playground|playground]]. DokuWiki markup allowed
**You've loaded an old revision of the document!** If you save it, you will create a new version with this data. ---- DokuWiki markup allowed
====== Sitemap ====== This is a sitemap over all available pages ordered by [[doku>namespaces|namespaces]]. DokuWiki markup allowed
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Sorry, you must fill in all fields.
Sorry, a user with this login already exists.
The user has been created and the password was sent by email.
The user has been created.
Looks like there was an error on sending the password mail. Please contact the admin!
The given email address looks invalid - if you think this is an error, contact the admin
The two given passwords are not identical, please try again.
Your DokuWiki password
You don't have an account yet? Just get one
This wiki does not support profile modification
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This wiki does not support password resending.
Sorry, you must fill in all fields.
Sorry, we can't find this user in our database.
Sorry, this auth code is not valid. Make sure you used the complete confirmation link.
A confirmation link has been sent by email.
Your new password has been sent by email.
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Upload denied. This file extension is forbidden!
File already exists. Nothing done.
The uploaded content did not match the %s file extension.
The upload was blocked by the spam blacklist.
The upload was blocked for possibly malicious content.
The uploaded file was too big. (max. %s)
The file "%s" has been deleted.
"%s" couldn't be deleted - check permissions.
The file "%s" hasn't been deleted - it is still in use.
Available files in
Use the following syntax to reference this file:
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For security reasons this script will only work with a new and unmodified Dokuwiki installation. You should either re-extract the files from the downloaded package or consult the complete <a href="">Dokuwiki installation instructions</a>
PHP function <code>%s</code> is not available. Maybe your hosting provider disabled it for some reason?
Your PHP version <code>%s</code> is lower than the needed <code>%s</code>. You need to upgrade your PHP install.
<code>%s</code> is not writable by DokuWiki. You need to fix the permission settings of this directory!
<code>%s</code> already exists
Unable to create <code>%s</code>. You will need to check directory/file permissions and create the file manually.
unrecognised or modified dokuwiki.php (hash=<code>%s</code>)
<code>%s</code> - illegal or empty value
The configuration was finished successfully. You may delete the install.php file now. Continue to <a href="doku.php?id=wiki:welcome">your new DokuWiki</a>.
Some errors occurred while writing the configuration files. You may need to fix them manually before you can use <a href="doku.php?id=wiki:welcome">your new DokuWiki</a>.
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Closed Wiki (read, write, upload for registered users only)
You're currently watching the changes inside the <b>%s</b> namespace. You can also <a href="%s">view the recent changes of the whole wiki</a>.
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%d minutes ago
%d seconds ago
This mail was generated by DokuWiki at @DOKUWIKIURL@
====== Page locked ====== This page is currently locked for editing by another user. You have to wait until this user finishes editing or the lock expires. DokuWiki markup allowed
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A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details: Browser : @BROWSER@ IP Address : @IPADDRESS@ Hostname : @HOSTNAME@ Old Revision : @OLDPAGE@ New Revision : @NEWPAGE@ Date of New Revision: @DATE@ Edit Summary : @SUMMARY@ User : @USER@ There may be newer changes after this revision. If this happens, a message will be shown on the top of the rev page. @DIFF@ DokuWiki markup allowed
====== This topic does not exist yet ====== You've followed a link to a topic that doesn't exist yet. If permissions allow, you may create it by clicking on **Create this page**. DokuWiki markup allowed
====== No such revision ====== The specified revision doesn't exist. Click on "Old revisions" for a list of old revisions of this document. DokuWiki markup allowed
Hi @FULLNAME@! Here is your userdata for @TITLE@ at @DOKUWIKIURL@ Login : @LOGIN@ Password : @PASSWORD@ DokuWiki markup allowed
====== Preview ====== This is a preview of what your text will look like. **Remember: It is not saved yet**! DokuWiki markup allowed
Hi @FULLNAME@! Someone requested a new password for your @TITLE@ login at @DOKUWIKIURL@ If you did not request a new password then just ignore this email. To confirm that the request was really sent by you please use the following link. @CONFIRM@ DokuWiki markup allowed
This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. DokuWiki markup allowed
====== Recent Changes ====== The following pages were changed recently: DokuWiki markup allowed
====== Register as new user ====== Fill in all the information below to create a new account in this wiki. Make sure you supply a **valid e-mail address** - if you are not asked to enter a password here, a new one will be sent to that address. The login name should be a valid [[doku>pagename|pagename]]. DokuWiki markup allowed
A new user has registered. Here are the details: User name : @NEWUSER@ Full name : @NEWNAME@ E-mail : @NEWEMAIL@ Date : @DATE@ Browser : @BROWSER@ IP-Address : @IPADDRESS@ Hostname : @HOSTNAME@ DokuWiki markup allowed
====== Send new password ====== Please enter your user name in the form below to request a new password for your account in this wiki. A confirmation link will be sent to your registered email address. DokuWiki markup allowed
====== Old Revisions ====== These are the older revisons of the current document. To revert to an old revision, select it from below, click ''Edit this page'' and save it. DokuWiki markup allowed
====== Search ====== You can find the results of your search below. @CREATEPAGEINFO@ DokuWiki markup allowed
**This is an old revision of the document!** ---- DokuWiki markup allowed
# This is a list of words the indexer ignores, one word per line # When you edit this file be sure to use UNIX line endings (single newline) # No need to include words shorter than 3 chars - these are ignored anyway # This list is based upon the ones found at about are as an and you your them their com for from into if in is it how of on or that the this to was what when where who will with und the www DokuWiki markup allowed
====== Update your account profile ====== You only need to complete those fields you wish to change. You may not change your user name. DokuWiki markup allowed
A file was uploaded to your DokuWiki. Here are the details: File : @MEDIA@ Old revision: @OLD@ Date : @DATE@ Browser : @BROWSER@ IP-Address : @IPADDRESS@ Hostname : @HOSTNAME@ Size : @SIZE@ MIME Type : @MIME@ User : @USER@ DokuWiki markup allowed
=== Quick Help: === On this page you can add and remove permissions for namespaces and pages in your wiki. * The left pane displays all available namespaces and pages. * The form above allows you to see and modify the permissions of a selected user or group. * In the table below all currently set access control rules are shown. You can use it to quickly delete or change multiple rules. Reading the [[doku>acl|official documentation on ACL]] might help you to fully understand how access control works in DokuWiki. DokuWiki markup allowed
Access Control List Management
Permissions for
User <b class="acluser">%s</b> currently has the following permissions on page <b class="aclpage">%s</b>: <i>%s</i>.
User <b class="acluser">%s</b> currently has the following permissions in namespace <b class="aclns">%s</b>: <i>%s</i>.
Members of group <b class="aclgroup">%s</b> currently have the following permissions on page <b class="aclpage">%s</b>: <i>%s</i>.
Members of group <b class="aclgroup">%s</b> currently have the following permissions in namespace <b class="aclns">%s</b>: <i>%s</i>.
Please <b>enter a user or group</b> in the form above to view or edit the permissions set for the page <b class="aclpage">%s</b>.
Please <b>enter a user or group</b> in the form above to view or edit the permissions set for the namespace <b class="aclns">%s</b>.
Note: Those permissions were not set explicitly but were inherited from other groups or higher namespaces.
Note: The selected group or user has always full permissions because it is configured as superuser.
Higher permissions include lower ones. Create, Upload and Delete permissions only apply to namespaces, not pages.
Current ACL Rules
Add new Entry
Modify Entry
Sorry, a user with this login already exists.
====== Configuration Manager ====== Use this page to control the settings of your DokuWiki installation. For help on individual settings refer to [[doku>config]]. For more details about this plugin see [[doku>plugin:config]]. Settings shown with a light red background are protected and can not be altered with this plugin. Settings shown with a blue background are the default values and settings shown with a white background have been set locally for this particular installation. Both blue and white settings can be altered. Remember to press the **Save** button before leaving this page otherwise your changes will be lost. DokuWiki markup allowed
Configuration Settings
Settings not updated due to an invalid value, please review your changes and resubmit. <br />The incorrect value(s) will be shown surrounded by a red border.
Settings updated successfully.
(no other choices available)
The settings file can not be updated, if this is unintentional, <br /> ensure the local settings file name and permissions are correct.
Danger: Changing this option could make your wiki and the configuration menu inaccessible.
Warning: Changing this option could cause unintended behaviour.
Security Warning: Changing this option could present a security risk.
Configuration Manager
Undefined Settings
No setting metadata.
No setting class.
No default value.
Wiki title aka. your wiki's name
Page name to use as the starting point for each namespace
Interface language
Template aka. the design of the wiki.
Under which license should your content be released?
Directory for saving data
Server path (eg. <code>/dokuwiki/</code>). Leave blank for autodetection.
Server URL (eg. <code></code>). Leave blank for autodetection.
Directory creation mode
File creation mode
Allow debug. <b>Disable if not needed!</b>
Number of entries per page in the recent changes
How many recent changes to keep (days)
Number of "trace" breadcrumbs. Set to 0 to disable.
Use hierarchical breadcrumbs (you probably want to disable the above option then)
Reveal full path of pages in the footer
Do typographical replacements
Date format (see PHP's <a href="">strftime</a> function)
What to insert with the signature button in the editor
What to display when showing the user that last edited a page
Top level for table of contents
Minimum amount of headlines that determines whether the TOC is built
Maximum level for table of contents
Maximum section edit level
Use CamelCase for links
How to clean pagenames
Use first heading for pagenames
By default, DokuWiki will show all namespaces in the sitemap. Enabling this option will hide those where the user doesn't have read permissions. This might result in hiding of accessable subnamespaces which may make the index unusable with certain ACL setups.
Hide pages matching this regular expression from search, the sitemap and other automatic indexes
Use access control lists
Autogenerate passwords
Authentication backend
Password encryption method
Default group, all new users will be placed in this group
Superuser - group, user or comma separated list user1,@group1,user2 with full access to all pages and functions regardless of the ACL settings
Manager - group, user or comma separated list user1,@group1,user2 with access to certain management functions
Confirm profile changes with password
Allow permanent login cookies (remember me)
Disable DokuWiki actions
View source/Export Raw
Other actions (comma separated)
Authentication Security Timeout (seconds)
Should cookies set via HTTPS only be sent via HTTPS by the browser? Disable this option when only the login of your wiki is secured with SSL but browsing the wiki is done unsecured.
Block spam based on wordlist
Use rel="ugc nofollow" on external links
Time delay before indexing (sec)
Obfuscate email addresses
Check uploaded files for possibly malicious JavaScript or HTML code
Automatically save a draft while editing
Maximum age for lock files (sec)
Maximum age for cache (sec)
Target window for internal links
Target window for interwiki links
Target window for external links
Target window for media links
Target window for windows links
Check if a media file is still in use before deleting it
GD Lib version
Path to ImageMagick's convert tool
JPG compression quality (0-100)
Maximum size (bytes) fetch.php may download from external URLs, eg. to cache and resize external images.
Allow users to subscribe to page changes by email
Always send change notifications to this email address
Always send info on newly registered users to this email address
Sender email address to use for automatic mails
Generate Google sitemap this often (in days). 0 to disable
XML feed type
XML feed links to
What to display in the XML feed items?
XML feed update interval (sec)
XML feed show summary in title
Check for updates and security warnings? DokuWiki needs to contact for this feature.
Use nice URLs
Use slash as namespace separator in URLs
Page name word separator
Use fully canonical URLs
Check for plural forms in links
Compression method for attic files
Use gzip Content-Encoding for xhtml
Compact CSS and javascript output
Send "HTTP 404/Page Not Found" for non existing pages
Is the ignore_user_abort function broken on your system? This could cause a non working search index. IIS+PHP/CGI is known to be broken.
Use the X-Sendfile header to let the webserver deliver static files? Your webserver needs to support this.
Renderer to use for main (xhtml) wiki output
%s (dokuwiki core)
%s (plugin)
Proxy servername
Proxy port
Proxy user name
Proxy password
Use SSL to connect to proxy
None chosen
excluding single quotes
including single quotes (might not always work)
DokuWiki internal
remove accents
GD Lib not available
Version 1.x
RSS 0.91
RSS 1.0
RSS 2.0
Atom 0.3
Atom 1.0
Unified Diff
HTML formatted diff table
Full HTML page content
difference view
the revised page
list of revisions
the current page
don't use
Proprietary lighttpd header (before release 1.5)
Standard X-Sendfile header
Proprietary Nginx X-Accel-Redirect header
Login name
User's full name
User's e-mail addresss (obfuscated according to mailguard setting)
User's e-mail addresss as a mailto: link
Navigation Only
Wiki Content Only
====== Popularity Feedback ====== This [[doku>popularity|tool]] gathers anonymous data about your wiki and allows you to send it back to the DokuWiki developers. This helps them understand how DokuWiki is used in the field, and makes sure future development decisions are backed by real-world usage statistics. You are encouraged to repeat this step from time to time, or even better to opt for an automated monthly dispatch, to keep developers informed when your wiki grows. Your repeated data sets will be identified by an anonymous ID. Data collected contains information like your DokuWiki version, the number and size of your pages and files, installed plugins and information about your PHP install. The raw data that will be sent is shown below. Please use the **Send Data** button to transfer the information. DokuWiki markup allowed
Popularity Feedback (may take some time to load)
Send Data
====== Revert Manager ====== This page helps you with the automatic reversion of a spam attack. To find a list of spammy pages first enter a search string (eg. a spam URL), then confirm that the found pages are really spam and revert the edits. DokuWiki markup allowed
Revert Manager
Search spammy pages
Revert selected pages
%s reverted to revision %s
%s removed
Reversion process started. This can take a long time. If the script times out before finishing, you need to revert in smaller chunks.
Reversion process finished successfully.
Note: this search is case sensitive
Note: the page will be reverted to the last version not containing the given spam term <i>%s</i>.
===== Add user ===== DokuWiki markup allowed
===== Delete user ===== DokuWiki markup allowed
===== Edit user ===== DokuWiki markup allowed
====== User Manager ====== DokuWiki markup allowed
User Manager
(user authentication not available)
(user management not supported)
invalid auth mechanism
Real Name
Delete Selected
Edit this user
Save Changes
Perform search
Reset Search Filter
Displaying users %1$d-%2$d of %3$d found. %4$d users total.
No users found. %d users total.
%d users deleted
%d failed deleting.
User updated successfully
User update failed
User name change failed, the specified user name (%s) already exists (any other changes will be applied).
Selected user not found, the specified user name may have been deleted or changed elsewhere.
Notify user
Notification emails are only sent if the user is given a new password.
New users will be added to the default group (%s) if no group is specified.
The password will be autogenerated if the field is left empty and notification of the user is enabled.
User added successfully
User addition failed
Notification email sent
Notification email could not be sent
===== User List ===== DokuWiki markup allowed

Info You don't need to hit the “Submit Translation” button before using the pagination.