Thank you for translating ABC Plugin (for displaying sheet music)! This tool helps you to send translations to the developers.

Don't be discouraged by the amount of strings! If you don't feel like translating it all, just do a few strings and submit the translation. Each tiny step helps. Strings at top of the list are more important than those at the bottom, so please start at the top.

When you're done click the submit button. Your changes will be automatically submitted to the developers. You can find previous Brazilian Portuguese translation submissions here.

Brazilian Portuguese translation

Important: To be properly credited in the language files, give your name and email address here.

English Brazilian Portuguese
May ABC be embedded?
How to display the output
image only
image linked to midi
image with list of abc, midi, ps/pdf
Shall the abc source be shown as well?
Shall the error logs be displayed? (only once when saved)
Where to find abcm2ps (or abc2ps or jcabc2ps or jaabc2ps or yaps)
Where to find abc2midi (optional if the output is "image only")
Where to find ps2pdf (optional, only needed if the output is "image with list of abc, midi, ps/pdf" and if a pdf file instead of a ps file shall be generated)
Where to find abc2abc (leave blank for disallowing transposition)
Where to find an abcm2ps format file (e.g. "foo.fmt") to format the PS/PDF file (optional)
Parameters for abcm2ps when generating the image (optional, for experts only!)
Parameters for abcm2ps when generating the ps/pdf file (optional, for experts only!)
Namespace for ABC files (leave blank for root)

Info You don't need to hit the “Submit Translation” button before using the pagination.