Thank you for translating Do Plugin! This tool helps you to send translations to the developers.

Don't be discouraged by the amount of strings! If you don't feel like translating it all, just do a few strings and submit the translation. Each tiny step helps. Strings at top of the list are more important than those at the bottom, so please start at the top.

When you're done click the submit button. Your changes will be automatically submitted to the developers. You can find previous Icelandic translation submissions here.

Icelandic translation

Important: To be properly credited in the language files, give your name and email address here.

English Icelandic
Task assigned to %1$s. Due on %2$s.
Task assigned to %1$s. No deadline.
Unassigned task due on %2$s.
Unassigned task, no deadline.
All tasks done.
There are %1$d open tasks.
There are %1$d open tasks, %2$d are late.
This task was completed on %s.
This task hasn't been completed, yet.
Insert new task
Assign to <small>(username(s))</small>
Due on <small>(YYYY-MM-DD)</small>
Create task
Completion message
Task is assigned to %s.
Due on %s.
You are not logged in.
Action not allowed
Task was closed by %s.
an unknown user
Close task
There are %1$d open tasks.
There are %1$d open tasks, %2$d are late.
All tasks done.
You have no open tasks.
You have %1$d open tasks.
your open tasks:
Assigned to
Due on
No tasks found
New Task: %s
Reopened: %s
Task closed: %s
Hello, @USER@ closed a task: "@MSG@" Description: @TASK@ Due date: @DATE@ Wiki page: @TASKURL@ -- This mail was generated by DokuWiki at @DOKUWIKIURL@ DokuWiki markup allowed
Hello, @USER@ opened a new task and assigned it to you. Description: @TASK@ Due date: @DATE@ Wiki page: @TASKURL@ -- This mail was generated by DokuWiki at @DOKUWIKIURL@ DokuWiki markup allowed
Hello, @USER@ reopened a task and assigned it to you. Description: @TASK@ Due date: @DATE@ Wiki page: @TASKURL@ -- This mail was generated by DokuWiki at @DOKUWIKIURL@ DokuWiki markup allowed
A printf input string used to generate a link to a userpage (insert ›%s‹ where the user name should appear)
Send mails about new tasks and status changes to affected users

Info You don't need to hit the “Submit Translation” button before using the pagination.