This is the central hub for localization of the DokuWiki Open Source wiki software and its plugins and templates. All translation efforts are coordinated through the I18N Mailing List. You are welcome to join and contribute.

Below you can see the translation progress of DokuWiki and some DokuWiki Plugins and DokuWiki Templates. The completeness of a translation is indicated by the percent value (with English being the master language with always 100%). The plugins and templates are ordered by their popularity score gathered via the Popularity Feedback Plugin.

Please help with translating! Each tiny bit helps! Click the project's name to see a list of available translations or use the update link to contribute to the current language.

Name Translation progress
100% update
upgrade Plugin
100% update
Wrap Plugin
100% update
Gallery Plugin
93% update
Move Plugin
96% update
Video Share Plugin
75% update
EditTable Plugin
100% update
IndexMenu Plugin
100% update
SMTP Plugin
100% update
DW2PDF Plugin
100% update
100% update
PageList Plugin
100% update
Tag Plugin
100% update
Translation Plugin
100% update
Add New Page Plugin
100% update
Include Plugin
100% update
CKGEdit Plugin
88% update
nspages Plugin
100% update
Folded Plugin
100% update
Discussion Plugin
100% update
sqlite Plugin
95% update
Searchindex Manager
100% update
LibreOffice / OpenOffice Export
86% update
ToDo Plugin
100% update
Bureaucracy Plugin
100% update
Cloud Plugin
100% update
Changes Plugin
100% update
BookCreator Plugin
92% update
hidden Plugin
100% update
Repository Plugin
91% update
Blog Plugin
100% update
Prosemirror Plugin
0% update
TemplatePageName Plugin
100% update
sprintdoc Template
95% update
struct Plugin
0% update
Login/Logoff Logging Plugin
35% update
catlist Plugin
0% update
BlockQuote Plugin
100% update
oAuth Plugin
100% update
confmanager Plugin
0% update
data Plugin
100% update
cleanup Plugin
100% update
CodeMirror Plugin
100% update
Statdisplay Plugin
100% update
Log Statistics Plugin
100% update
MultiOrphan Plugin
0% update
Site Export Plugin
100% update
Farmer Plugin
0% update
Do Plugin
100% update
DocNavigation Plugin
100% update
Access Counter and Popularity Plugin
0% update
BatchEdit Plugin
102% update
Publish Plugin
100% update
Loadskin Plugin
0% update
pagemod Plugin
0% update
copy2clipboard Plugin
100% update
diagrams Plugin
77% update
yearbox Plugin
100% update
Snippets Plugin
18% update
TabInclude Plugin
81% update
User HomePage Plugin
8% update
FontFace Plugin
0% update
Redirect Plugin
100% update
sectiontoggle Plugin
0% update
CustomButtons Plugin
100% update
Tagging Plugin
95% update
Synchronization Plugin
0% update
Imagereference Plugin
66% update
Outliner Plugin
100% update
SearchText Plugin
0% update
Writr Template
0% update
QuickStats Plugin
0% update
DocSearch Plugin
50% update
konsole Plugin
100% update
IP Banning Plugin
0% update
Emphasis Plugin
0% update
Statistics Plugin
35% update
SocialCards Plugin
100% update
slider Plugin
0% update
epub Plugin
80% update
PreRegister Plugin
0% update
Socialite Plugin
0% update
Quality Check Plugin
51% update
SwiftMailer Plugin
0% update
NewLine Plugin
100% update
virtualgroup Plugin
52% update
randominc Plugin
100% update
AutoLogOff Plugin
90% update
TextInsert Plugin
95% update
PassPolicy Plugin
100% update
deletehistory Plugin
100% update
Userpage Plugin
100% update
Linkback Plugin
0% update
WikipediaSnippet Plugin
33% update
Templater Plugin
100% update
ToolButtonDel Plugin
0% update
KaTeX Plugin
0% update
charpicker Plugin
0% update
New Page Dialog Plugin
100% update
Ruby Plugin
0% update
Hiding IPs Plugin
0% update
Numbering Plugin
60% update
xcom Plugin
0% update
WordPress Authentication Plugin
0% update
news Plugin
0% update
cookiebanner Plugin
0% update
PyCode Plugin
0% update
Amazon Plugin
100% update
notfound Plugin
100% update
UnformattedCode Plugin
100% update
noprint Plugin
100% update
ABC 2.0 Plugin (for displaying sheet music)
0% update
HowHard Plugin
0% update
AIchat Plugin
0% update
InterWiki Helper Plugin
100% update
IssueTracker Plugin (2nd Edition)
0% update
The Number of Online Plugin
0% update
survey Plugin
100% update
StopForumSpam Plugin 2
0% update
Rating Plugin
100% update
ABC Plugin (for displaying sheet music)
0% update
gitlabproject Plugin
66% update
HtmlOKay Plugin
57% update
Bad Behaviour Plugin
0% update
strreplace Plugin
0% update
Snow Plugin
7% update
notos Template
0% update
yourip Plugin
0% update
searchjump Plugin
0% update
anewssystem Plugin
0% update
XSLFO Plugin
50% update
sapnotelink Plugin
0% update
elasticsearch Plugin
0% update
Jira-links Plugin
0% update
Editions Plugin
0% update
Jenkins Plugin
0% update
AutoTweet 2 Plugin
0% update
Currently Reading Plugin
0% update
PurpleNumbers Plugin
100% update
Redissue Plugin
0% update
Redproject Plugin
0% update
AuthAM Plugin
0% update
judge Plugin
0% update
talkpage Plugin
100% update

Plugin and Template Developers,
register your plugin or your template for translation!